Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 541-550 of 887

Autzen Stadium Receives North Side Face Lift

by Galand Haas

On Friday, Jan. 18, the Oregon Board of Higher Education said yes to a proposed $5 million renovation for Autzen Stadium on the campus of the University of Oregon, and will be funded primarily by long-time U of O benefactor and co-founder of Nike, Phil Knight and his capital contracting company, Phit Too, LLC.

The plan calls for improvements to the stadium's accessibility features, addressing problems like the human bottleneck on the north side created by the pre-game and post-game rush to and from the parking lot.

To accomplish this lofty goal, as well as to bring the structure in line with the current Americans with Disabilities Act's requirements, the approved recommendations include removing current ramps on the stadium berm's north face, re-grading a section of it and replacing it with a series of new and better ramps. In addition, a 20-foot concrete switchback and new stairs will be added in order to facilitate the efficient and safe flow of fan foot traffic. Once the facelift on the north side is completed (making the steep hill and its inherent difficulties fade into oblivion like visiting football teams at the home of the Ducks), fans of all ages, able-bodied or otherwise, will have easy, free-flowing access to their seats.

But these are not the only big changes woven into the details of the renovation project. It will also include several aesthetic improvements. As the finishing touches are made on the soon-to-be berm-less north side of the stadium, crews will start trucking in more than 30 live trees. They will arrive already mature and stretching 35 to 40 feet tall. The varieties will include Douglas fir, giant sequoia, coast redwood, incense cedar, Canadian hemlock and western red cedar.

To keep these trees company on non-game days, contractors will carve two gullies for streams to bubble and splash around their roots. Complete with moss-blanketed basalt stones, these man-made waterways will enhance this pleasant and beautiful nature scene.

According to the Register-Guard, the $5 million bottom line for these new renovations is twice the amount of money ($2.5 million) it took to complete all of the construction on Autzen Stadium back in 1967, its inaugural year. In 2002, the stadium underwent a major, $90 million renovation that added 12,000 seats and 32 skyboxes, increasing the stadium's maximum seating capacity to 54,000.

Bone Marrow Registry

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

I received an e-mail this morning from a fellow Keller Williams Real Estate agent in Park City Utah.  The e-mail was not about the Real Estate market or home sales.  It was about his wife's current battle with leukemia which she was diagnosed with just a few days ago. Now their search has started for a bone marrow transplant match. This is a long process and it can be successful, but not always. This e-mail served as a reminder to me as to how important it is for all of us to register with the national bone marrow registry 

My attention was brought to the national bone marrow registry several years ago when my daughter was ill with a rare bone marrow disease and was in need of a bone marrow transplant. (my daughter is completely healthy today). There is less that 2% of the population in the U.S. that have registered and because of this finding the right match is often difficult or impossible.  It is easy to register and the process for determining bone marrow type involves only a mouth swab.  By registering you have the opportunity to save a life.  That life could be someone in your family!

Have An Awesome Week!



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56411 McKenzie Hwy, Unit 1
Price: $237,500 Beds: 2 Baths: 2 Sq Ft: 891
Wonderful condo on the river! Enjoy the great view of the mountains and trees as you relax in this cozy townhouse-style condo! Cedar cabin with fireplace, loft and large screened-in porch. All furnishings included! Make this yours today!!!...





Good Monday Morning!

What a gorgeous weekend we had here in the Eugene and Springfield area!  it looks like there is more of the good weather to come.

Even with the improved Real Estate market in the Eugene and Springfield area many homes continue to struggle with selling.  There are two factors that are absoutely a must if you want your home to sell in this market and sell for top market value.  The first factor is price.  It is extremely important that your home is priced right.  Over priced homes sit on the market and get looked at but don't get offers.  In this market if a home sits more than two weeks without an offer then the price is too high and it will need to be adjusted down.  Many times it may take several adjustments before the correct price is found.  Once a home hits the right price in this market it will get good showing activity and offers.  The second factor is condition.  Having your home looking great to potential buyers is essential.  This starts with lawns and landscaping and goes into the house with being clean, uncluttered and having paint, etc. all looking fresh.  Staging a home for sale is an important part of the process as well.

This is a great time to sell your home and I can help with both pricing and staging.  Obtaining a sale at top dollar value is not hard to achieve if both of these key issues are addressed.

Have An Awesome Week!



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5223 Center Way
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Price: $350,000 Beds: 4 Baths: 4 Sq Ft: 2436
Trees and Tranquility! Vaulted ceiling, granite counters, recessed lighting, skylights, good separation of space, built-in hot tub and 3 decks! Living room with fireplace opens to dining area. Kitchen with garden window and eating bar opens to famil...




Monday Morning Coffee

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

As the national and local Real Estate market's continue to heat up, it would be wise to approach the current housing market with a degree of caution.  Yes, it is exciting that homes are once again beginning to sell in the Eugene and Springfield market areas! Is it just like the old times again?  Well, maybe not.  In fact we most likely will never see the old times again.  

What we all need to remember is that the current upsurge in the housing market and in home values is not based on a true economic recovery.  Most of the improvement in the housing market are based on current low mortgage interest rates that are being artificially created by the feds.  We can all hope that both the national and local economies will rebound significantly because the low rates won't last forever.  When interest rates begin to rise, look out.  Will the current bubble burst?  This is going to be dependent upon the condition of the economy and also on how sharp the increase in mortgage rates is.  It could happen quickly though and we could slide back into a strong buyers market at the drop of a hat.

We most likely will see a continuation of low rates for the forseeable future, but the best bet is to take action now if you are considering a home purchase. One thing that history has proved to us is that the market we have today won't won't be the market that we have a year from now.

Have An Awesome Week!




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4020 Hampshire Ln
Price: $165,000 Beds: 3 Baths: 1 Sq Ft: 1132
Established and comfortable neighborhood! Underground irrigation in front garden, fenced backyard with deck. Home offers living room, family room with pellet stove and slider to back, kitchen with laundry area, and dining area. Some updates includin...




A Short Video Documentary - Texting While Driving

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

A little over a year ago I sent out this short video documentary about teen drivers and texting while driving.  My response was impressive.  After several recent auto accidents locally with young people where texting was a suspicion I have decided to send this video out again.  Please watch this video, have your teens and other young drivers watch this and then pass it on. 

Have An Awesome Week!



Video Link:

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4020 Hampshire Ln
Price: $165,000 Beds: 3 Baths: 1 Sq Ft: 1132
Established and comfortable neighborhood! Underground irrigation in front garden, fenced backyard with deck. Home offers living room, family room with pellet stove and slider to back, kitchen with laundry area, and dining area. Some updates includin...




The Numbers are in: March 2013

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning,

The statistics are in and March of 2013 contiued to see increased sales activity for homes in the Eugene and Springfield area. 

Lane County added another good month to its 2013 streak, with all measures of activity rising. There were 470 new listings, a 19.9% increase over the 392 entered in March 2012. The increase in new listings did not have the effect of increasing inventory, however. At 4.6 months at the current rate of sale, inventory in months is at a low level not seen since June 2007.

Closed sales reached 278, a 12.1% increase over last March’s 248 transactions, and a 28.7% increase over 216 in February. The 357 pending sales rose 18.6% over 301 in March 2012 and topped the 336 in the prior month by 6.3%. The average sales price for a home in Mrch of 2013 was $196,400 in comparison to $195,300 for March of 2012.

With homes sales contiuing to rebound and home inventories contiuing to decrease the market has become even more of a sellers market.  In many areas homes priced below $200,000 are rare and when listed don't stay on the market long.  Again, if you are considering the sale of your home, don't wait.  Get your home on the market now.  This is clearly the best environment that we have seen in years for sellers.  The future for home sales is unclear, but we do know that right now homes are selling.


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6557 E Street
Price: $289,000 Beds: 4 Baths: 3 Sq Ft: 3013
Gorgeous Home with lots of options! Wood flrs, granite counters, recessed lighting, lots of storage, plus a sauna! Lower level bonus area could be a master suite with jetted tub and 2 sinks, a great rec room, or perfect for a home-based business wit...




The Real Estate Market is shifting.

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

When Real Estate markets shift, it can happen quickly.  Just as several years ago it seemed like we shifted from a strong sellers market to a buyers market almost overnight, we have now shifted from a strong buyers market to a sellers market.  This means that the active inventory of homes available is under 6 months and that there is strong competition for many homes.  If you are considering a home purchase this does not mean that you should not purchase a home right now.  Just the opposite is true.  It is good to keep in mind that home prices remain well below the level they were at in the 2005 to 2007 period.  If you purchase a home now you are purchasing towards the bottom of the market, although home prices are on the rise.  The other factor to remember is that mortgage interest rates remain at historic low levels.  This won't last forever.

If you do jump into the home market right now, you will want to speak with a mortgage professional first.  This means that if you become pre-qualified for your financing not only will you know how much home you can purchase, but you will also have a competitive edge when making an offer on a home.  

If you would like to get started with the process of purchasing a home, please contact me.  I can first of all set you up with one of our Home Buyer Specialists who can help you with your home search in this current competitive home makrket.  I can also make arrangements for you to meet with a top mortgage expert at the same time.  From this meeting you will be ready to start looking. We know how to make a home purchase both easy and rewarding.

Have An Awesome Week!

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88688 Faulhaber Rd
Price: $270,000 Beds: 3 Baths: 2 Sq Ft: 1185
Beautiful Horse Property! Features 2 pastures, 2 stalls and hay storage with side pen. One level home sits on 1.44 acres with a long porch, tool-shed, 2-car shop, large front and back fenced yard and fire pit. Large living room with pellet stove and...




The Marketing is Heating up!

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

Yes, the market is heating up and the inventory of homes available for purchase has decreased significantly over the past six months.  In fact, homes that are in great condition and priced well don't stay on the market long.  The Eugene and Springfield market area is even seeing multiple offers again. It is still a great time to purchase a home.  Mortgage interest rates remain at historic low levels and home price have not increased significantly, although this is on the horizon if current market conditions continue.

If you're a home buyer, among the things you can do to be prepared is to have a plan of action. If you're an aggressive buyer eager to find a home, hire a real estate agent that can help you find what you're looking for and will act quickly when properties hit the market.

When a home is first listed it will get the most attention. In a hot real estate market that could mean not just viewings but multiple offers and even offers that are over the listing price (not something we're used to thinking about lately, but that's the nature of real estate - it cycles through ups and downs).

So, if you're really serious about finding a home in a market where the inventory has dropped and the prices have increased, be prepared to take action the minute homes come on the market. Don't delay and say, "I'll drop by this weekend when I get a free moment." In some of today's markets, procrastination could be the deal breaker.

The Galand Haas Real Estate Team has 3 Home Buyer Specialists.  Our Specialists do not list homes, they only work and represent home buyers.  Working with a Home Buyer Specialist can make a significant difference in a market like the one we are in today.  A Buyer Specialist knows the market, keeps on top of the current home inventory and can help you be on top of the best home purchase appourtunities as they come about.  Having a Real Estate agent working for you in this capacity in this market can make a significant difference in what kind of home you find and how much you pay for it.  Contact us if you are interested in being fully represented as a buyer.  You will love this approcah to purchasing a home.

Have An Awesome Week!


49562 McKenzie Hwy
Price: $364,000 Beds: 3 Baths: 2 Sq Ft: 1280
Cabin on the river! Wonderful views of the river, trees or mountains from every room! Great room with fireplace and amazing view with a wall of windows overlooking the river! Kitchen with island and dining area. Well-sized master suite with ceiling-...




Monday Morning Coffee

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning,

Keller Williams International is now the largest Real Estate company in the United States by agent count.  

Here at our local Real Estate company, Keller Williams Realty Eugene and Springfield we are also very proud that our local office has lead the Eugene and Springfield market with closed home sales since the beginning of the year.  Outstanding agents, cutting edge technolgy and customer service that is second to none is why Keller Williams is the number one Real Estate company in the United States and the number one Real Estate office for sales in the Eugene and Springfield area.

Have An Awesome Week!


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4150 Alder St
Price: $250,000 Beds: 3 Baths: 2 ½ Baths: 1 Sq Ft: 1812
Tucked in the Hills! Features a great room, 2 fireplaces, brand new carpet in the bedrooms and lots of storage! Living room with bay window, dining area and well-sized kitchen with plenty of counter space and cabinets. Master bedroom with bath. Lowe...




February 2013 Lane County Real Estate Numbers

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning,

Lane County continues to see a healthy real estate market. Closed sales were at 216, the best February figure since 2007. This also represented a 24.1% increase over last February’s closed sales, and a 18.7% increase from this January. Pending sales, at 336, were a strong increase over January’s 260 accepted , a 29.2% gain.

New listings, at 455, continued to increase from January’s 344 and 370 the previous February.

At 1,236, the active listing count is about the same as in January, and the increase in closed sales has caused the inventory to decrease somewhat to 5.7 months. 

The average sales price for February 2013 was $202,100 compared to $181,400 in Febraury of 2012.

As you can see the overall Real Estate market in the Eugene and Springfield area continues to rebound.

Have An Awesome Week!


Image Unavailable
88688 Faulhaber Rd
Price: $270,000 Beds: 3 Baths: 2 Sq Ft: 1185
Beautiful Horse Property! Features 2 pastures, 2 stalls and hay storage with side pen. One level home sits on 1.44 acres with a long porch, tool-shed, 2-car shop, large front and back fenced yard and fire pit. Large living room with pellet stove and...




Displaying blog entries 541-550 of 887




Contact Information

Photo of Haas Real Estate Team  Real Estate
Haas Real Estate Team
Keller Williams Realty Eugene and Springfield
2645 Suzanne Way Suite 2A
Eugene OR 97408
Direct: (541) 349-2620
Fax: 541-687-6411

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