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Neighborhood News 6/1/07

by Galand Haas

Presented by: Galand Haas Team


Lane County Real Estate

 RMLS March 2007 Reporting Period 

 March Residential Highlights

Comparing March 2007 to March 2006 new listings increased 14.5%. However, closed sales dipped 15.2% and pending sales decreased 12.7%. The 1,577 active residential listings at month's end would last approximately 4.5 months given the month's rate of sales.



Comparing market activity for January-March 2007 to the same time period in 2006, closed sales decreased 4.4%. However, new listings were  up 14.8%. Meanwhile, pending sales decreased 7.3%.



Comparing the 12 months ending with March 2007 to the 12 immediately prior, the average sale price climbed 11% ($258,500 v. $232,900). Using the same formula we can see that the median sale price increased 14.2% ($228,300 v. $200,000). 



The Galand Haas Team & Keller Williams is on the Move...

As of May 11 of this year, Keller Williams Realty, Eugene and Springfield and the Galand Haas Real Estate Team will have a new home. I am very proud to announce that we will be moving to 2644 Suzanne Way in Eugene. This new location is just off of Crescent Avenue near Chad Drive and Costco. Our new building is a gorgeous 13,000 square foot Class A office building. Our new building is state of the art and no other office building in Oregon has been so specifically designed for a Real estate office. We will have the latest in technology and all of the most up-to- date tools to make sure that we are serving our clients needs to the highest level. Our new space will also be integrated with an in-house title company and mortgage company to make Keller Williams Realty a true one stop home selling or purchasing office. We should be settled into our new space by mid-May so please stop by and see us and we will give you the tour of this new state of the art Real Estate office.


My thanks go out to Steve and Sally Lee and to Chambers Construction for their hard work and for making this fantastic new facility available to all of us and the many clients of Keller Williams Real Estate.



A Letter from Ashley


I received this letter under my pillow from my 15 year old daughter last night and just had to share it with you all. I left her father when she was 4 months old, due to severe abuse and have been through many ups/downs over the past 15 years. Through all of this, I’ve somehow managed to raise a wonderful spirited human being in spite of the court battles to maintain custody, inner family turmoil, being a single-working parent, struggling to make ends meet day-to-day, as well as both of us being pieces of the big puzzle in this crazy mixed up world we live in today!

After being single for 15 years, I recently moved us (last summer) from the security of friends, job and a home in Idaho (but it was a decision we made together) back to California to be with a wonderful man whom we thought we’d be with "forever." Things and people aren’t always what they appear to be. After always being independent, I have been unable to find work, and the relationship is crumbling.

When I approached my daughter two nights ago with the possibility of moving again, turning our lives upside down, pulling her out of school that she had adjusted to, wonderful new friends she has made and about moving back to Idaho, this is the letter I received. I hope she is an inspiration to many other single parents out there that you can do it alone. I am truly blessed!

Dear Mom,

I’m writing this letter, not as a daughter but as an admirer. I have been studying your movements and actions for the past 15 years. I have been very lucky to have you as the person I must observe. I have learned so much being your student. I have learned responsibility, loyalty, love, patience, stress control, cooking 101, the processes of decision making, how to squish the little green worms on flowers, but above all I have learned to love unconditionally.

You might ask yourself why the criminy would I choose a person like yourself to have as a role model. Well, from the first sight I could tell that you were a strong, open minded, independent and free spirited individual. Along the course of these 15 short years, I have found things about you that make me love and cherish you even more. Now, I must warn you, some of these things are so little that you wouldn’t even think, and you might even hope that no one would ever pick up on. But little did you know that I have been taking notes all these years and I believe you said yourself that nothing ever gets past me! so here goes!

Your love of nature.

Your incredibly strong personality.

Raising me alone, for 15 years.

Believing in me.

Driving me everywhere.

Bugging me about not having warm enough clothes on.

Making great homemade dinners.

The habits that have rubbed off on me, i.e., talking to the television.

Bringing me orange juice every morning.

For being such a great photographer.

Your ability to make the warmest fires.

Keeping holiday traditions weather (sp!) they are silly or not.

The fake smile you get when someone takes your picture.

Always understanding my need to be crazy and stupid sometimes.

And occasionally joining in.

For putting up with my habit of singing one line of a song for hours on end.

And last but not least, the little kid voice you still get when you talk to my friends.

These are just some of the little things that fit together to make you the person you are.

These are just some of the little things that fit together to make you the person you are. And last but not least, the little kid voice you still get when you talk to my friends. For putting up with my habit of singing one line of a song for hours on end. And occasionally joining in. Always understanding my need to be crazy and stupid sometimes. The fake smile you get when someone takes your picture. Keeping holiday traditions weather (sp!) they are silly or not. Your ability to make the warmest fires. For being such a great photographer. Bringing me orange juice every morning. The habits that have rubbed off on me, i.e., talking to the television. Making great homemade dinners. Bugging me about not having warm enough clothes on. Driving me everywhere. Believing in me. Raising me alone, for 15 years. Your incredibly strong personality. Your love of nature.

Okay, now, it’s my turn to be the daughter. I just want you to know that no matter what comes of our lives that I will always love and respect you. I have never and will never think that you have made a mistake because I know that you would never do something without truly believing in it. I have always felt safe having you around.

I always find comfort in knowing that you are right down the hall if I ever need you. I want you to know that whatever we decide to do that I have faith, knowing that you are in the lead. I know that God had a purpose in bringing us to Chico, it might have just been a life lesson, but I have faith that this was not a mistake but that it was just part of the big scheme of things. I love you so much and I have learned from the best teacher that support is a key thing, and I truly support you and admire you for everything you are! Love always and forever,

Ashley Bug


For Sale: $459900
Keller Williams Realty Eugene and Springfield, 242 Country Club Road, Eugene, OR, 97401

Monday Morning Real Estate Update 6/6/07

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

What a gorgeous weekend with temperatures in the 80's.  It just does not get any better.

Nationally, it looks like the Northwest is holding up better than any other part of the country in the slacking Real Estate market.  This is good news as most of the country is seeing little relief from and slow down that is now over a year old.  Here in the Eugene and Springfield area the inventory of homes on the market is up slightly and the number of days it takes a home to sell is higher than a year ago but there are many good buyers out there currently  looking.  It is a good market to sell or buy a home in  and I look for a continuation of the same for the next couple of months. 

Have An Awesome week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 5/17/07

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

The press has really given the Real Estate market a thrashing both locally and nationally.  Bad press keeps people from making good decisions out of fear.  The reality is not always what we perceive from the media.  Right now the opportunity for home buyers has not been better in the 20 years of my Real Estate career.  We have a very-very good inventory of well priced homes and mortgage interest rates that remain at extremely low levels.  We are finding tremendous home purchase opportunities for the few buyers we are working with.  We just keep hearing the same thing from potential home buyers.  "We are just going to wait until prices come down even more".  Well, maybe this will take place, but a rise in interest rates could quickly negate any continued drop in home values.  The truth is that we know we have a great buyer opportunity right now!  Trying to wait for the better deal is a real gamble.

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 4/23/07

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

Hey!  The sun has returned!!!!!

If you are considering the purchase of a home this year, right now is the perfect time.  There is a very-very good inventory of homes out there to see, including a large number of brand new homes.  In our current market, it is taking longer for homes to sell so the sellers may be more motivated to play with the asking price of their home.  At the same time, mortgage loan interest rates are very favorable.  We have been finding some excellent homes at great prices for our buyers.  It's the best buyers market we have seen in years.

If you are wanting to search for homes in the Eugene and Springfield area the best web site is  This site will automatically e-mail you every morning as new homes meeting your search criteria hit the market.

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 5/1/07

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

It's sure great to wake up to sunshine!  This is a wonderful time of year in the Eugene and Springfield area. Don't miss visiting Hendricks Park right now with the Rhododendrons in full bloom.

More inventory of homes for sale and longer days on the market to sell.  I predicted that as we approached Spring it would be tougher to sell a home because of just this market condition.  This is becomeing a reality and the situation will become more extreme by the time we hit the Summer months.  If you are thinking of selling, do not hesitate another minute.  You will also want to obtain a professional home value analysis to establish the correct market price for your home right now.  This is not a market to be aggressive with pricing your home.  Your home will sell at a good value, but the days of pricing above the market level are long gone.  You can also receive a rough idea of your homes market value by going to the web site

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 4/16/07

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

Well, for the most part this past weekend showed us some wonderful Spring weather.  Compared to other parts of the country our weather looks pretty nice.

Compared to other parts of the country, our Real Estate market here in the Eugene and Springfield area also looks pretty nice.  It is taking longer to sell a home, home prices are slightly softer, but overall we are continuing to have a fairly good Real Estate market here.  Many part of the country are seeing a slow down that is much more severe. The one factor that is somewhat concerning here is that the cost of development land, building lots and new construction continues to soar.  If this trend continues it could quickly put the brakes on our good market.

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 4/9/07

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

After a cool and breezy Easter weekend it looks like more of the same for the balance of the week.  Oh well!  Spring will return!!

Home sale statistics are in for February and there was a slight improvement.  The home inventory level dropped from 5.6 months to 5.3 months.  This is good news for home sellers if this trend continues.  The same time period for 2006 saw an inventory of 3.4 months.  The dividing line between a buyers and sellers market is 6 months of inventory.  The market here is continuing to hover very closely to becoming a true buyers market.  The average time on the market for a single family residence is now 74 days and that is in contrast to 58 days for last year.  Interestingly enough, the average home price continues to increase and it was $253,800 which is up from $242,700 last February.  Pending sales, which are the homes currently under a sales contract declined 2.7%, while new listings on the market increased by 16.4%.

Don't look for any significant changes over the next few months other than the inventory of homes should steadily increase as we move towards Summer. It is a wonderful time to purchase a new home.

Have An Awesome Week!




Market Trends 4/11/07

by Galand Haas
Presented by: Galand Haas Team


Lane County Real Estate

 RMLS February 2007 Reporting Period 

 February Residential Highlights

Comparing February 2007 to February 2006 closed sales increased 7.4%. Further, new listings increased 24.8%. However, pending sales decreased 2.2%. The 1,508 active residential listings at month's end would last approximately 4.9 months given the month's rate of sales.



Comparing market activity for January-February 2007 to the same time period in 2006, closed sales increased 4.2%. Further, new listings were up 16.4%. Meanwhile, pending sales decreased 2.7%



Comparing the 12 months ending with February 2007 to the 12 immediately prior, the average sale price climbed 11.3% ($256,000 v. $230,000). Using the same formula we can see that the median sale price increased 13.4% ($225,200 v. $198,600). 




To-do list for spring, summer home sellers.

If you plan to sell your house in 2007, in most communities the peak sales months are April, May, June and July. The reason is the largest number of prospective buyers are in the market during this time of the year. That means now is the time to get your home ready for sale. If you want to earn top dollar, careful preparation and planning are essential. The four key steps are:


The best way to get your house ready for sale is to take a critical look at it. Pretend you are a critical buyer. Ask yourself, "Would I buy this home?" If your honest answer is "no," then do your best to correct its deficiencies. Getting your home into "model home" condition doesn’t mean making major renovations, such as installing a new kitchen or new bathrooms. That is usually a waste of money because buyers might not like your tastes.

Instead, cleaning, repairing and painting are all that is usually needed. Inexpensive cosmetic improvements usually pay off handsomely.Even if your home really doesn’t need it, fresh paint is the most profitable improvement you can make. It gives that "new feeling" to even old houses. For every $1 spent painting the interior and exterior, the return in the form of a higher sales price is often 10 times its cost. Other profitable improvements that usually return more than their modest costs include new light fixtures, new floor coverings (carpets, kitchen and bathroom tile or vinyl, refinishing wood floors, etc.) and a landscaping spruce-up with colorful flowering plants.

Pretend you are a photographer from one of the home magazines, such as House Beautiful or Sunset. Aim to make your house worthy of a low-cost home makeover feature article.


Another alternative is to repair or replace the deficient item, such as a bad furnace, but ask the supplier to delay payment until the sale closes. Most suppliers are eager to make sales and will readily agree to delayed payment without extra cost.

The reason a pre-listing professional inspection is so vital is that most of today’s savvy buyers insist on these inspections. By having your own pre-listing inspection, you will already be aware of any serious drawbacks. In addition, wise home sellers have customary local inspections such as for termites, energy efficiency, radon and building code compliance. Such inspections avoid later surprises. Smart sellers have repairs made before putting their home on the market, thus thwarting buyer objections.3. ESTIMATE YOUR HOME’S MARKET VALUE.

Home sales prices are based on the recent sales (not asking) prices of nearby similar houses within the last three months. A good place to start is on the Internet to determine your home’s approximate market value. For a FREE, no obligation, current market analysis of your home, log onto, fill out the form and a current market analysis of your home will be emailed directly to your inbox.

To find out the asking prices of similar homes listed for sale in your community, the best source is This Web site searches homes directly from the Multiple Listing Service. It is also FREE to sign up for and homes will be emailed directly to your inbox that meet your specific criteria. It will give you a good idea of comparable nearby houses now listed for sale. Please remember these are asking price, not sales prices. You can also obtain a home value analysis by email by logging onto Here, you simply enter in the information pertaining to your home and within about 24 to 48 hours you will receive this analysis by email.


1. Ask how long the agent has been in the business.

2. How many homes they list and sell annually? (more is good).

3. What kind of marketing do they provide? (extensive Internet is good).

4. Get at least 3 references.

6. How long is the listing period?

7. How long do they follow up on showings?

8. What systems do they have for regular communication?

9. Are they a single agent or do they have a team? Teams are typically better.

Never, never choose an agent solely based on the fee they charge or on a potentially inflated sales price. Follow these simple suggestions and you should maximize on your homes sale price and have a great selling experience.


For Sale: $260000
Keller Williams Realty Eugene and Springfield, 242 Country Club Road, Eugene, OR, 97401

Monday Morning Real Estate Update 4/2/07

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

As Spring arrives in the Eugene and Springfield area it reminds us as to how fortunate we are to live in such a gorgeous area.  Spring is truly a wonderful time of year in  Eugene and Springfiled.

The number of homes for sale at this time has hit a higher level.  The increase in home prices has stabilized and there has been little change over the last several months.  This indicates a stable market and one that should be very good for home buyers over the next quarter. With the continuation of very attractive mortgage interest rates, perpective home buyers should pay attention.

You can view all home listed for sale in the Eugene and Springfield area by visiting

Have An Awesome Week!

Monday Morning Real Estate Update 3/12/07

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

Wow! 75 degrees on Sunday. It was a new record high temperature for that date! Congratulations to the Oregon ducks men's basketball team for winning the Pac 1o tournament and now moving on to the NCAA tournament.

The home sales statistics are in for last month.  There were 558 new homes hitting the market.  This was in comparison to 510 for the same month in 2006.  There were 257 closed sales, which was the exact same number as February of 2006.  The average time on the market increased to 76 days.  This is compared to 55 days during the same month of last year.  The average sales price was $243,700, which is up from $236,600 for February of 2006.

As you can see the largest difference from a year ago is the time it takes a home to sell and the average sales price. So there goes the thought that we have a bad RealEstate market here in the Eugene and Springfield area.

Have An Awesome Week!





Displaying blog entries 791-800 of 808




Contact Information

Photo of Haas Real Estate Team  Real Estate
Haas Real Estate Team
Keller Williams Realty Eugene and Springfield
2645 Suzanne Way Suite 2A
Eugene OR 97408
Direct: (541) 349-2620
Fax: 541-687-6411

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