Real Estate Information Archive


Displaying blog entries 731-740 of 796

Monday Morning Real Estate Update 5/19/08

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

It was certainly a gorgeous Summer like weekend here in the Eugene and Springfield area.  It was just a teaser of what is coming in the months ahead.

The one thing that is certainly holding constant in this market is that if you are trying to sell your home, you will have to do everything just right.  You will need to price your home aggressively (below the values determined by the comparable sales), you must stage your home and having it looking better than your competitors and you then must promote it aggressively. If you do this you will have a fair chance of selling in this market.  If you do not you will be one of the homes that just sits and does not sell. This can be costly in a market that is continuing to decline in home values. Our current market is not for those who are just testing the waters. Selling your home in this market takes a full commitment to all of the factors mentioned. 

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 5/12/08

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

It looks like Summer may arrive this week.  90 degrees by Friday!!!

There is certainly a great deal of inflation taking place in the economy right now.  Gas is hitting $4 per gallon, postage went up to $.42 for a stamp, groceries and everything else are going through the roof.  One area that this is not the case is with home prices here in the Eugene and Springfield area.  Home prices are dropping and there are some extremely attractive opportunities available right now.  Mortgage loan rates are also attractive and are holding at under 6% for 30 year fixed financing.  It would appear that home prices may continue to decline even further over the coming months.  The unknown is whether mortgage rates will remain at the current low levels.

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 5/5/08

by Galand Haas

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

There have been a number of articles written as of late indicating that renting is a smarter choice than purchasing a home right now.  Although, renting may be necessary for some people, home purchase remains a smart choice for most.  Long term, home ownership is one of the best investments most of us can make.  There is not only appreciation over time, but there are also significant tax benefits.  My advice is don't let the negative press on home ownership frighten you away from one of the most sound investments you can make.  Right now with home prices being soft and mortgage loan interest rates low, home purchase is a safe bet.

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 4/21/08

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

Snow on the ground in the Eugene and Springfield area in mid-April?  Wow!!!!

The month of March Real Estate statistics are out and it is clear that the market here continues it's downward trend.  Average days on the market are currently at 90 days, this compares to 78 days for March of 2007.  The biggest change is the number of closed home sales.  Closed home sales were down by 29.1% and pending sales by 28.7% from March of last year.  There was 10 months of active inventory on the market for March of this year.  This compares to 3.8 months of inventory in March of 2006 and 5.6 months of inventory in March of last year. 

Mortgage interest rates remain extremely favorable with 30 year fixed loans at around the 5 3/4% mark.  What a great time to be a home buyer!

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 4/14/08

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

Spring decided to return for another few days over the weekend.  It doesn't get any better!

For the Eugene and Springfield Real Estate market it is just the same old same old. Fortunately, our market continues to be better than many other markets around the country, but it certainly remains on the slow side.  If the national economists predictions hold true, then we may see another 2-3 years of this kind of market. or even slower.  What this could indicate is that home values will decrease over that period of time.  If this is correct then this may be the best shot to sell your home that we will see in a while.  Something to think about if your are considering the sale of your home.

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 4/7/08

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

The weekend saw an return to Winter type weather.  April is always interesting in our area, so look for more Spring and Winter weather to come.

The mortgage loan situation  continues to become tougher.  Lenders programs have been significantly reduced and many loan s that were easy to get just a few months ago have gone by the way side.  Interest rates continue to be well under 6% for 30 year fixed financing, but obtaining these loans can be a chore in some cases.  Now more than ever it is important to go to a good reputable lender.  Trying to do the cut rate version now may spell disaster.

There is now well over a 10 month inventory of homes on the market in the Eugene and Springfield area.  This means that for buyers there is a great deal of inventory to choose from.  Prices are soft in many areas, so it still is the perfect time to buy a home.

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 3/31/08

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

Monday is the beginning of a new week and with each and every Monday we get to make the choice of how we perceive the week ahead.  By looking at the week ahead with excitement and optimism, we can  have a positive influence on how our week  will be and we can also certainly have a significant positive influence on the world around us.

The Real Estate market in the Eugene and Springfield area continues to show some signs of more activity.  With recent mortgage rate decreases, buyers seem to be taking a more serious look at purchasing homes now.  This may be a wise move with the uncertainty that exists in the mortgage world.

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 3/24/08

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

Happy Spring Break!

The Fed continues with their efforts to improve the national economy. The latest round of short term interest rate reductions have not had a radical impact on mortgage interest rates, but they certainly turned the upswing in rates to a downswing in rates.  Look for more action from the Feds over the next few weeks as they desperately look for answers to the poor national housing market.

With rates dropping, it might be a good time to take advantage and start looking for a house or if you have been holding off on selling your home, this might be the bubble to take advantage of.  The current time period through mid Summer could be the best housing market we see this year.

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 3/17/2008

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

The Feds made another drop in short terms rates yesterday.  The Fed is desperately working to turn the nations economy around.  The threat of recession continues to be driven by the poor national housing market.  Here in the Eugene and Springfield area we continue to have one of the best housing markets in the country.  It is not the market that we enjoyed 2 years ago, but in comparison to other parts of the country, it looks positive.  The average time on the market here is about 94 days and there is right around 10 months of total home inventory.  Home price are sliding slowly, but not to the extent that they are in other national markets.

If you would like to get an idea on what your homes value currently is, visit the web site  This site will allow you to enter in information on your home and then receive a market value analysis by e-mail.  It's always a good idea to get an estimate of your homes value, whether you are planning to sell or not.

Have An Awesome Week!



Monday Morning Real Estate Update 3/10/08

by Galand Haas

Good Monday Morning!

Spring is happening!  The flowers are beginning to bloom and the leaves are coming out on the trees.  It is the beginning of a gorgeous time of year.

The Eugene and Springfield Real Estate market also seems to be awakening from Winter.  There are more buyers out looking right now than there has been in months.  If this starts turning into sales, we should see a marked improvement in homes sales over the next several months.  Mortgage interest rates have been on a roller coaster ride over the past week, but still remain extremely favorable with 30 year fixed rates in the low 6% range.  Look for these rates to continue their up and down ride over the next few months.

One bit of interesting news is that the average time it takes a home to sell in our current market is 92 days.  The average time it is currently taking homes listed by the Galand Haas Team to sell is 54.4 days.  Strong and aggressive marketing makes a difference in this market.

Have An Awesome Week!



Displaying blog entries 731-740 of 796




Contact Information

Photo of Haas Real Estate Team  Real Estate
Haas Real Estate Team
Keller Williams Realty Eugene and Springfield
2645 Suzanne Way Suite 2A
Eugene OR 97408
Direct: (541) 349-2620
Fax: 541-687-6411

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