Each Fall and Winter I see the inventory of homes for sale in the Eugene and Springfield market areas hit their lowest levels. This year is no exception and as we enter into Winter we are experiencing the lowest inventory of available homes that we have seen in years. Typically, I encourage sellers to keep their homes on the market throughout this time period because the chances of selling increase dramatically with the lower competition levels.
This year if you are thinking about selling your home I would advise you to get your home on the market now. Not only are we experiencing low home inventories, but historic low mortgage interest rates have buyers out there ready to buy. The truth is that for the first time in years we are seeing multiple offers and we have buyers that we actually can't find homes for. Why not put your home on the market during a time when you actually have the best opportunity to sell. The odds are that your home will sell faster and for more money than if you wait for Spring.
With the uncertainties of the fiscal cliff and the economy that could send mortgage interests rates spiraling higher, it makes sense to take action now.
If you would like to find out what the market conditions look like for your home, please call me today at 541-349-2621 or e-mail at galand@galandhaas.com. I promise no pressure to list your home, just the information you need to help you make the best decision.